Sunday, March 09, 2008

Dreams Episode 1

From now on, I shall add one more section to my blog, called Dreams. This would be a record of all the weird dreams that I had and can remember.

Date of dream: around the last week of February 2008
NUS High School, lower level classrooms (although it doesn't look like it, now that I recall)
The year 6s are suppose to have some mass test or exam in a classroom that has somehow been extended by removing the partition. After the test/exam, I went out for a break alone, with my bag and all. For some reason, I didn't realize there's another test/exam, and I was the only year 6 wondering around the school compound. Then Mr. Ang, the discipline master, saw me and asked me why I was not taking the test, and gave me a detention for that.
That's not the end, for later, I argued with him to forget about the detention.

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