Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dreams Episode 10

Day of dream: this afternoon
Setting: swimming pool

There was canoe polo training and I was slightly late. I arrived, seeing some new players who are joining us for fun, including Margaret, and Lynn. They, with Yingzhen and coach, were at the side of the pool where I came in from. They were just hanging around and seemed like they were practising rolling too (Yingzhen only). I asked them if they were. Yingzhen asked me to get into my boat in her cheeky tone.

While I was getting into my boat, coach asked me to take a ball and shoot, with Lian Han as the keeper, and Lian Han will try capping me. I was like okay, since I had been thinking about practising recovery. Got a ball, and sort of drove in. The next scene was a blur. I either got capped really hard, and managed to get up, with the ball still in my arms. Or my boat collided with something (probably the keeper) and I kinda had a concussion.

Anyway, I ended up on the other end of the pool, feeling quite faint (I have no idea how that can happen in a dream). Yingzhen got out of her boat and checked on me. After awhile, I recovered. Yingzhen told me that Fiona joined us then too. So I paddled/swam toward the group (every was there), found Fiona, and poked her...

Scene 2 --
After training, a friend and I decided to go swimming. My friend was swimming at the swallower end, while I plunged into the depper end, with my kayak. After swimming for awhile, I noticed the water level at the deeper end was dropping. It turned out that the depth of the pool was determined by steps, gigantic steps (the deepest end was really really deep). I had to climb the steps (without my kayak, thank goodness), to reach my friend and get out of the pool. It was difficult, but I kept climbing... Although I did not see myself reaching my friend or getting out of the pool.

Scene 3 --
A visual image of the design of the pool. The water for the pool came from the ceiling. It just so happened that I am in the water-pathway, when I was climbing. The pressure alone could have crushed my skull...

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