Sometimes you really can get alot when you spend some time sitting down and think about life. Don't misunderstand me, I do love thinking, it's just that all the homework had been keeping me busy. Okay that's besides that point.
*back to the point*
People sometimes demand respect from others, and failed miserably. When failure knocks on the door, these people refuse to budge or do anything about it. Instead they would place the blame upon the others for their failure. This is not an uncommon phenomenon.
Given the time I had these days (since I didn't bother studying for exams :p), I sat down and wonder the cause of this failure. Then I came to a conclusion, which somebody and many people before him had came to before:
When working with people, especially when you are the one who possess power, we started treating otehrs like puppets (I love this term), expecting complete devotion and obedience, and making ourselves "the lords". And as fellow people, and not puppets, the people would not be pleased. I mean how would you like it if people want you to respect them when they were throwing stones and you and slapping you and humiliating you? Although Jesus did say, "Let him slap the other side as well." (something like that). Try doing that. If everybody does that, I'm sure it'll be a perfect world. However people, of all size and ages and height, have pride. That is why it wouldn't work.
Thus the best way to earn respect is showing respect. Be lead to be the leader. The same principle applies. Don't go around shouting at people and demand silence from them. "Fear-factor" is not the most effective and long-lasting way to do things.
Any coincidence to anyone is unintended.
Yep, do unto others what you would do unto yourself.
I love bathing XD
Hahah. Chai Karyen.
If everyone let everyone else slap the other side as well, when they slapped you, you wouldn'tve solved anything at all.
Because, rather simply, they would still be slapping each other.
And in what way would that be perfect?
And why would you want a perfect world anyway? The purpose of this world is to give but a foretaste of the life we will lead when Christ returns.
So you see? Having a perfect world right now isn't exactly the point.
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