Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dream Episode - Ghost ride

Day of dream: a loooong time ago (I really have to start recording them immediately)

There was a house, famous of its haunting. It possibly belonged to a family of miners. The story of their lives and their deaths were not clear. Despite that, the tourism that it attracts soon built itself around the house. The industry itself was huge, almost like the shopping street in Disneyland, with the house being part of the attraction. It was so commercialized that the menace that the house once had could only be found in traces.

I was walking down the main street of the place, holding a little boy in one hand. We were going to rent a pair of boots so that we can enter the attraction. Then I saw them, among the crowd, a father, a mother and a daughter. They were dirty and rough, and were walking towards me and my little boy. Nobody else saw them, nobody else felt them. But I could. I knew they were looking for their little boy. I knew what was coming. I knew they will mistake my little boy for theirs. I tried to stay calm. As they approached, I held my little boy's hand tighter, stared straight ahead and walked through them.

Upon passing us, they startled, and turned around immediately. I knew that they have thought my little boy was theirs. They want him. They followed us. I wasn't scared, I just wanted to help them. I went to the boot rental. After a short line, it was my turn. I walked up to the counter, pass the boots that I was holding (yea, I was holding a little boy and now it was a pair of boots), and told the guy behind the counter, "I think these boots are haunted." (Yup, I've completely forgot about the little boy. Where did the boots come from anyway?) Only the ghost father was with me at this moment (maybe the mother and the sister ghosts kidnapped my little boy?). The boot guy directed me to the cafe right next door, saying that the boss is psychic and deals with the supernatural.

Wanting to help the ghosts find peace, I walked next door and told them that I thought the boots were haunted, and that I wanted to help the ghosts. The bouncer-looking cafe guy (tan with dark hair and a nice smile) asked me to go outside and go up the stairs behind the doors that says "Authorized Persons Only." I went out as I was told, and opened the door. In the middle of the stairs, there was a string curtain that extends to the floor. The cafe guy and a psychic-looking women drew the curtain and invited me in. I walked up the stairs...

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