Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Torturing People Part 13

Skin-changing Spa

Suggested Materials
Body scrub (almond)
Rough sand
Tiny sharp particles
1 Pen-knife
1 Couch

1. Get your victim to relax on the couch. Secure him/her just in case he/she moves too much. ^^
2. Gentle scrape the dead skin off with pen-knife.
3. Mix the body scrub with rough sand and tiny sharp particles. Apply it on your victim, and scrub dilligently. (make sure you're wearing protective gloves)
4. Scrape skin with pen-knife phase-2. Apply force depending on the level of your hatred for your victim.
5. If you hate your victim enough... Scrubbing phase-2. ;)
6. Enjoy his/her screams while scrubbing and scrapping.

Note: Don't worry, the skin will grow back. :p

No person or animal is harmed in the process of creating this post.
Any coincidence to anyone or any event is unintentional.
The author (i.e. me) would not be held responsible for any consequences if the torture should be carried out.

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