Sunday, November 06, 2005

Ways to torture people *evil grin*

for people who are afraid of cockroaches:
1. Prepare a gigantic pail (make sure you can fit your victim in), cockroaches, and a piece of cake.
2. Fill the pail with cockroaches, preferbly to the brim.
3. Tie your victim up. And place him/her nicely in the pail.
4. Listen to the pleasing screams while enjoying your cake. ;)

*Note: If your intended victim is afraid of other stuff, like beetles and hamsters (aww... I'll put that in "torture by sweet things and get diabetes") and snakes and lizards and frogs and whatever, modify it to suit your need. Just make sure the organisms used are not poisonous and also that your victim would not end up killing the organism instead. This is only a mental torture. :p

No organism is really being experimented.
Any coincidence to any individual is unintended. ;)


yingzhen said...

I wonder which teacher you were referring to. Hmm. Cockroaches.

Composer Of Requiems said...

Cockroaches taste good, ja?

Eugene said...

Well, Cockroaches are roaches from Cocks isnt it? XP

bryyyan said...

You are completely sick.

Sick, and perverted.

You sick perverted girl you.