Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dreams Episode 4

Day of dream: last night
Setting: NUS High hostel look-a-like+incomplete NUS High campus
This dream is kind of like my own version of the Heroes Season 2...

I was Claire Bennet, the cheerleader with the ability to spontanously regenerate. It was after Season 1, my family and I were going into hiding. For some reason, my dad decided that he would place me in hostel/boarding school.

After a few days, I got really sick of hiding and running away from the organization that was supposedly hunting me. I was curious about who I was, and my history. So I decided to get into the campus to retrieve information about myself. I waited for the right time.

Night befell, security cameras and lazer fences were up. To avoid detection, the optimal path would be to go through the long, dark narrow concrete path between the field and the bushes. (At this point, note that the landscape in my dream is not as complicated as real-life. The hostel and the campus were on the same level, instead of being on compounded levels.The track was replaced by a narrow concrete path on the side nearer to the church. And on the other side, it is replaced by a simple garden.) I remembered clearly that a few strands of golden hair got pulled off by the wind (yes, I was blonde).

Finally, I reached the safe shelter of the campus. It was made up of nothing more than pathways for wheels that zig-zaged upward. The fastest way to the top is to climb. I wanted to get to the top as fast as possible, as I thought they might soon find out that I was missing from my bed. I clambered and fell, but recovered quickly and continued. People, those with abilities like me and searching for answers, seemed to appear from nowhere, and started climbing with me as well. I was the first to reach the top. Peter Petrelli flew to the top, and vonlunteered to fly me to the other end of the white, empty campus, where the answers are. I put my arms around him, and we jumped. But he forgot how to fly, and fell, broke his neck, and died.

The world that we fell in seemed to be the same one, but different. Construction was going on, which was not there when I reached the campus. I was traumatized by Peter's death, and ran off to hide in a car nearby. Two ladies walked toward the car, discussing about the construction. The first lady entered the car, and noticed me... I think I killed her...

That was all I remembered...

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