Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dreams Episode 18

Day of dream: a few nights ago

I have no idea where I was. No specific place really. This is a really random one...

Theophillus, a schoolmate/classmate of mine, has a younger sister (not in real life though), about 3 or 4 years old? And I think Theo, with his sister, and I kinda bumped into each other somewhere (along the corridor at some HDB flat?). So I kinda offered to babysit his sister for awhile. Well, actually, I think I insisted to babysit his sister so that I can play with her.

So I brought (kidnapped?) her to the living room that look nothing like a HDB living room. The room is spacious, with a simple-minimalist couch lining one wall, and a simple-minimalist coffee table slightly in front of the couch. To the right of the couch is a glass wall overlooking a sea with ruins along its shores. The glass wall has a full-lenght maroon velvet curtain hanging over it, and can be converted to a gigantic television. (<-- definitely not HDB) Theo's sister was quite an angel... for a while at least. Then the little angel fell (not literally) and became a devil incarnate. But I was stuck with that angel-turned-devil, so I had to entertain her. I turned on the television (the glass wall thing), but that was not enough for her. She insisted I play with her and give her candies, and was jumping around and clinging on to me. I was so exhausted after a while I was simply staring at the sea scene beyond the glass wall while Donald Duck played on the glass, in silent mode...

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