Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dreams Episode 22

Day of dream: last night

It was after canoe polo pool training. While we usually have trainings at NUS swimming pool, we did not in this dream. The swimming pool was nicer, and cooler (partially because it was sheltered).

Everyone decided to go for dinner somewhere nice (something related to my birthday...). So everyone decided to go wash up. As usual, the guys and girls went to the respective shower areas. The shower area similar to those in public swimming pools -- basic necessities met, and rather wet.

The girls went into different shower cabinets. I spent a really long time. Although that happens in reality, me spending more time than my team mates in the showers, I never go beyond half an hour... Forty minutes is the most I would spend. Yet in my dream, I spent so long that I was the only one left in the shower area. I kept getting the feeling that the soap has not been completely rinsed off.

When I am finally done, everyone was waiting outside, on the verge of losing their patience, some were teasing me. While we were walking, I realized that I took about an hour to wash-up... No wonder they were loosing their patience... Haha.

This dream reminds me of this once when I asked them to wait for me so that we can go for dinner at NUS canteen together. I was, naturally, the last one. (The guys were really nice to wait.) We went to the canteen together, but I left early, without having dinner, to catch the bus...

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